Underground Theater
Interior View
Underground Stage
Underground Stage
Overall Site
Concept Diagrams
Floor Plans
Main Stage Section
Main Entry Section
Section + Elevation
Underground Theater
Underground Theater

Project name: Underground Theatre

Building type: Music Venue + Restaurant

Location: Houston, Texas

Programs used: ArchiCAD, Illustrator, Photoshop, Artlantis


The theatre is designed to represent the multiple layers or pieces that are involved in creating music. By constructing the theatre underground the occupant is unable to see the building as a whole. Leaving only pieces of the theatre protruding through the ground visible. At specific key points through out the site, there are windows that view into the underground theatre, giving the occupant the connection between the pieces and the whole.


Interior View
Interior View
Underground Stage
Underground Stage
Underground Stage
Underground Stage
Overall Site
Overall Site

Located in Houston's downtown museum district

Concept Diagrams
Concept Diagrams
Floor Plans
Floor Plans
Main Stage Section
Main Stage Section

This sections highlights the moments in which visitors on ground level can peak into the theatre below. Creating a relationship between the pieces and the whole.

Main Entry Section
Main Entry Section
Section + Elevation
Section + Elevation